Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Day 48: She's Found Her Voice

Since day one I think Chase has been talking.  He is so verbal with all different kinds of sounds and loud too (hmmm...I wonder where he got that from?)  but Zaya has always been so quiet just making a peep here and there.  Not this week though she has found her voice.  She's Ms. Talky Talkerson in true girl fashion.  Her talking is so funny too, it's like this long drawn out sound.  Sometimes it sounds as if she's yelling at you.  It's really funny!  Chase when he talks sometimes it's like a whisper like he has a secret for you, but not Zaya she has an announcement to make and the world will hear it.  She is no longer taking a back seat to her brother she is standing up for her right to be heard and I love it!  I could talk all day to them...oh wait...I do.

Today I'm grateful Zaya found her voice.

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